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Online Marketer

WordPress Issue-What happens to your WordPress website?

Online Business 1 min read

WordPress Issue

WordPress Issue
WordPress Issue

If you have your WordPress sites finding issues often, what would you do?

I have been using WordPress for the blog sites and selling digital and physical products.

WordPress is a bit heavier than HTML sites, more folders, files, complicating codings, etc. Since that's the reason for it, the site's loading time is slower. If you use the super faster hosting service and you know everything about WordPress and SEO, you may not be one of the owners of the slow websites.

When I was a beginner to my WordPress sites, I added so many free and premium plugins. I thought this would my website better and more secure.

Nevertheless, that was my mistake.

My WordPress sites became so slow loading fully even I was using super cool optimizing image and caching plugins. It did not fix anything for my super complicating sites.

One day, I realized that half of my main page designs were disappeared. How could this possible? I spent hours to figure out the issue.

It was the plugins.

I had to deactivate all plugins and activate one by one to find the problematic plugins. Yes! I found it and deleted that plugin.

And, a few months after, I started to see the error message to the site. It was the plugins again. But, I was not able to login to the admin backend. It was completely dead site to me.

So, I used the Cpanel to delete all unnecessary plugins. When I refreshed the site, I could see my front end page again.

After a couple of different issues exposed, I contacted the WordPress expert to check my site hoping to give me a better solution. They did the same to deactivate all plugins and check each one of them and delete if it's causing the issue.

I still get error messages and crushing some plugins or theme. That means I and other WordPress users must keep maintaining their sites regularly.

If you need someone to maintain your sites or redesign, don't hesitate to contact me. Based on my huge experience data, I can help you with selling products, SEO, maintain your Wordpress site(s).

Working with Erin
WordPress Issue?
WordPress Issue Website issue