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Online Marketer

Step Up Your Etsy Game in 2023: 5 Tips to Get You There!

Information 2 min read

With 2022 now behind us, let's take this opportunity to reflect on the lessons learned from the past year and use them to propel our Etsy shops to even greater heights. Here are some tips and ideas we think might help you get started.

Analyze the 2022 sales figures to begin with.

Do product research to identify which items sold well, which didn't do as well and what price point your customers have been buying most at. Have the economic conditions changed your customers' purchasing patterns? Is it worthwhile to introduce a lower-priced line of products to broaden your product mix during this January lull?

Create decisions based on collected data.

Analyze your data deeply before you choose a course of action and let the facts guide you. For example, if there has been a rise in orders in 2022, but the average order value dropped, is it because customers are selecting from a range of lower-priced items or just one category? Investigating keywords with the Traffic Stats could throw up trends—perhaps in particular products or search terms—which could open the door to further expansion into related areas.

Test out the latest products and services.

After carefully analyzing your analytics, use the insights to create products that capitalize on the traffic you're receiving. Employing this strategy, you can further your success.

Reviewing the sales figures of your minimalist earrings, you observe that buyers are using the search term "everyday jewelry" to find your items. As a result, you may consider designing accompanying pieces of jewelry to capitalize on this traffic.

Seek out chances to work together with other people.

Have you ever collaborated with another Etsy seller? If not, maybe 2023 is the time to give it an attempt. There are various ways to do it. For example, if there is a shop that specializes in techniques or materials which you would like to add on to your product, take the opportunity! To gain inspiration from a successful Seller Handbook article, check this out. Don't hesitate and reach out! Here is an article by Etsy.

Do you feel that your products or services could pair well with the offerings of another store? To reach a wider audience, why not promote each other's items through social media channels or an email campaign? :)

Allow yourself some time to relax!

We understand that sometimes it may seem necessary to work hard in order to make progress, but it is important to remember that pushing yourself too far can have a negative impact, hindering your growth more than helping it. In 2021, make sure you take the time to appreciate what you have achieved with your Etsy store and give yourself a break--you've earned it!

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