
software freebies- We are excited to announce that one of our vendors shared their tons of freebies! These are software, ebook, etc. that can be downloaded right away. Here is a link if you don't want to read below. We would like to share with you why you would want the software freebies even though you would not use them.

software freebies-Photographer: Alexander Mils | Source: Unsplash

Why would you want software freebies?

  • You can use these freebies for yourself
  • You can collect leads
  • Giveaway for your bonus
  • Free organic traffics to the site

You can collect leads

Let's say you want to run ads on Bing and Facebook for collecting the right leads for your targeted audience; it does not matter you have a good design for your landing page. People will attract a free gift or event to provide us their email address. Of course, you will not need to run the ads if you already have good traffics to your site.

Top marketers are using the ads to collect leads with freebies.

Some honest marketers stated publicly that their email open rates are around 8~20% or must lesser. But, it's still working to bring sales.

Yes, we have experienced the same.

Instead of sending emails to users, we tried to write content over 7 years, promote posting videos on Youtube and so many things you can imagine. But, it was not a faster way to bring organic traffics. Now, we are constantly getting organic traffic to all our sites from the years of building backlinks. But, it took us years of hard work.

The faster way to bring traffics

Sending emails directly to users who are interested in the relevance of our service or product is the best way for marketers to bring traffics. I personally receive hundreds of emails a day. I don't check all, but I know what I need to open and check or mark as a spam.

Before deliver Software Freebies, we use the chatbot to collect leads

chatbot- Photographer: ROBIN WORRALL | Source: Unsplash

We use the websites and bot chat system to giveaway freebies.

We write articles and adding hashtags for social media accounts. People love hashtags, and it brings a good amount of traffics. When they visit our site will find the big button with a welcoming message to encourage them to click. And, the chatbot will popup to ask their email before we deliver. You can find all this here.

You will find where you can add your email address and get a Freebie link right after. And, you will receive more awesome freebies to your inbox.

Download your Software Freebies