Ora Honest Review, Task Management Software One Time Cost Deal

Ora Honest Review
Ora Honest Review


I wanted to make the second video to review the software, Ora. My first video was not a review, so you can skip the first one and watch this one.

Now, I will show you how you can manage each project by using Ora. Once you purchase the deal price at $39 one time cost, you will get a code or more codes depending on how many you purchase the deal.


I did not even watch their tutorial video or tried to find it because it is so easy to navigate.


There are only a few buttons on the left side.

This first button is to check your existing projects. I already made three. You can customize the project name, icon, and setting.

When you click one of the projects, you can customize each section instead of using default To do, InProgress and Done. You can add more or delete.

Each task, you can add easily when you want to move each task to a different section, you can simply drag and drop.

To add a new project, there is a plus button on the top left.

Click the new project, and choose your desired template. Of course, you can choose not to use any template or change it later.

You can also click on Create Organization if you want the separate works.


Ora software is for who is doing a lot of works to remember each task and manage them for yourself or with your team. I already use Ora for all my tasks to be checked or reviewed. If I missed something in this video, please leave a comment. I will try to add it later.

I highly recommend grabbing the Ora deal since it's only $39 to use the software.

You can click the link to access to the deal site to learn more about it.


Thank you for watching, and I will make more great videos.


If there is anything have an issue to watch the video, you can visit here, https://videosrv.us/6147

Ora Honest Review