Beautiful WordPress login

Beautiful WordPress login

How to create beautiful WordPress login pages?

If you want the answer to this question, you must check the deal today.

Must have WordPress Login Page Design, LoginPress.

Here are the real feedbacks from LoginPress new purchase customers.

"Best investment for Web Developers & Agencies."
"The easiest plugin I've ever used."

When you visit the discount site, LoginPress, you will immediately check the feedbacks from others.

What is LoginPress?

-Customize login forms and get live previews, changing anything from logos to backgrounds to text fields

-Generate magic login URLs with no need for a password, rename your login page URL, and limit/track login attempts

-Redirect users based on their roles and usernames, log in with social media, and add a login widget into your blog sidebar

-Best for: Freelancers, bloggers, agencies, and those looking to jazz up and secure their login pages

Whenever you want to login to the WordPress backend or for your users to log in to their account, you may want to hide the default WordPress login page; because

You want a professional log in design

You want to hide that you are using WordPress from hacker or users

These are the reason I got LoginPress.

LoginPress has an additional feature to redirect users to a specific page whenever they log in to their account.

This feature will be very handful when your clients are not familiar with WordPress. WordPress is built for user-friendly, but WordPress needs a learning process to understand where they need to access to create a new post or some other features.

Instead of telling them where to click, you can make an individual user redirect to a specific page.

Of course, LoginPress will hide the login. Hackers usually use their bots to try to find the ID and Password to your WordPress site.

They will visit "WP-ADMIN" is the universal and default to log in to the WordPress backend. So, you want to change the login page that bots cannot be found.

Are you interested in to get a discount on LoginPress? You won't be disappointed with the price and their powerful features. You can check the discount today.

Beautiful WordPress login
