Helium 10 black friday

Helium 10 black friday

We wanted to let you know that the Helium10 Amazon seller software is offering a 1 month free + Free access to the Freedom Ticket tutorial videos

Here is an instruction how.

Why are we recommend Helium 10?

We have been using H10 for a year now because H10 has all the features we will need for the Amazon business.

1) Keyword research
2) Chrome Extension for researching products
3) Reverse ASIN ->Most helpful for the right keywords
4) Checking index
5) Listing Alerts
6) Amazon Reimbursement (You will get a refund from Amazon with the damaged and Lost products)
7) Automatic Email Followups ->Send emails automatically to customers
8) Free access to the Freedom Ticket tutorial videos ($997)

So much moreā€¦

We used Merchants Words, Keyword Inspector, and Jungle Scout.
We still use the Jungle Scout for checking and comparing the data with H10. But, other software, we canceled them.

H10 has them all features.

If you want to try the dropship or Prime on Amazon platform, you would really want to check this out.