A quick review of the AI content writing

Photographer: Valentina Ivanova | Source: Unsplash

Recently, we could find so many AI content writing software in the market. Some of them offer a lifetime. So, we tested and created some articles.

Yes, it creates and gives ideas to write articles quickly. But, it will not replace the copywriter just yet. Here is a reason for it.

AI gives ideas, but it does not ideally find the right answer to what people are mostly questioning. Let's say you are a painter and choose between a Samsung note tablet or iPad to sketch. If you have a specific reason to choose what device is better for you, some articles do not talk about related to the topic. This could be because the author used AI content writing to pull out some general information. If the information is lacking, AI will not be able to share any information. Of course, people do not want to read general information that other sites share the same. So, we believe instead of using AI content writing tools, we hire copywriters for our articles.

But, the future will be different.

AI is getting smarter and learning more about how people are reacting to the articles. It is still collecting data on how long people are staying reading and feel informative. Whenever the time comes, the big data will be released and used to replace many different jobs; we believe the copywriter could be one of them, but not all because copywriter and writer jobs are creative.

Whose for the AI content writing software?

We still use the software to write short articles. It gives the best result to write step by step. For example, STEP 1 for Headline, STEP 2 for Hook, STEP 3 for Introduction, etc. It gives step by step to choose how AI picks the best results to complete articles.

Do you need excellent language writing skills?

You need a little. In order to create an article, you will need to read and make sure each paragraph is related to each other. You can still copy & paste what AI gives, but you will need some edit.

What software is best so far?

We have tested more than 10 different lifetime offering software. We recommend WordHero and CloserCopy so far. We will keep digging into more details for the next article.

Are you interested in reading more honest reviews? Please visit us at the iARTidea blog.