10xHostings Honest Review

I wanted to make a review video earlier, but I decided to make an article instead because I requested them a refund after a month of testing.

10xHostings Honest Review Photographer: Austin Distel | Source: Unsplash

1) Excitement

I was so excited to get the 10xHostings. They offered one-time cost to keep the unlimited storage server for 10 years. As I am doing the software review and crazy about the websites, I purchased their the reseller account, $197.

2) First Ddos Attack

10xHostings uses the shared hostings for all sites, users. Suddenly, all sites were down for 48 hours. Support ticket was not answered for 48 hours as well. I was about to make some more testing videos of the software and 10xHostings. But, I had to stop all my works. Of course, people started to panic. I can see over 5000 people joined 10xHostings Facebook group. I assume that more than 5000 people may purchased 10xHostings.

Yes, all their sites were down by DDoS Attack.

3) 500, 404 error

After they completed a deep scan for checking each user, server. My sites went back to alive, but my reseller account and sites started down every day for 1 hour.

Frustration - Photographer: Tim Gouw | Source: Unsplash

4) Frustration

Anyways, I finished one site design and running Facebook Ads. I had to back and forth to the Facebook ads dashboard to turn on and off when the site is down.

5) Another frustration

On June 2nd, my sites were down again. When it went back to alive, all my sites new designs created on June 1st ~ 2nd works deleted. I immediately checked the database. I could not find the new pages I created. It went back to the ice age. The backup did not work.

giveup Photographer: Arny Mogensen | Source: Unsplash

6) Refund requested

I contacted support team several times. Not helpful. They are so busy fixing millions of issues on their server. So, I opened a ticket again to ask for a refund and also the reason for it.

They immediately answered me back, HOW SURPRISE!!

Now, I am waiting for responding if they can fix my ice age missing data.

I receive so many emails my 10xHostings server used sites are up and down every hour. To me to test the 10xHostings is completely FAIL.

I am not a developer or high-level expert to the server and coding. But, I have long enough to use the website hostings. In 10 years of my experience with hosting services, 10xHostings is the worst.

Again, slow customer service is a triple reason I decided to get a refund.

I did not want to make some negative reviews about any software because it's their business, cash.

When they fix and become a stable company or server. I will make another review video or article again. But so far for about a month of testing 10xHostings is not the great one.

If you want to check my other software review, you can find them here.
(I will make the honest review videos and articles at all times)

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10xHostings Honest Review